
Extract from ELKCAL Constitution

Full Membership shall be open to anyone aged 16 or over who is a full or part-time residents of the townships of Elphin, Knockan, Ledmore, Lyne and Benmore and their neighbourhood in the Highland Council area of Scotland (“the community”). Further, the directors may at their sole discretion admit to membership any person aged 16 or over who, while not a full or part-time resident in the community has a strong connection with or interest in the community.

Associate Membership shall be open to anyone aged 16 or over who subscribes to the Aims and Objectives of ELKCAL. 

Application for membership 

All applications for membership must be made on the Application Form downloaded from this website and emailed to or given to Ann O’Keefe or Andy Venters or any of the directors.

Membership subscription

No membership subscription shall be payable.