Midsummer Fete

Mid- Summer Fete

17th June from 12 noon

A Family Fun Day to celebrate the summer solstice.  Burgers, soft drinks and tea/coffee and cake available all afternoon.  Field games, children’s games and activities, adult activities and competitions for all ages. 

Adult Cooking Competitions

  • Best decorated cake – will be taste tested as well but mostly judged on appearance
  • Best undecorated cake – plain cake judged wholly on taste test
  • Best chocolate cake – can be decorated or plain
  • Best loaf of bread – classic loaf which can be white or wholemeal and will be judged on taste and texture
  • Most amazing free style bread – can be any shape and style and as weird as you like. Will be judged on stun factor as well as taste.

Children (Under 12) Cooking Competitions –  Children can also enter adult competitions

  • Best under 12 decorated cake
  • Best under 12 loaf of bread

Adult Flower Competitions

  • Best cut arrangement – greenery and flowers grown in your garden and picked and cut then arranged in a vessel of your choice
  • Best potted plant – any plant you have tenderly cared for in either a pot or basket

Children under 12 Plant Competitions

  • Best under 12 cut arrangement – greenery and flowers from the family garden arranged in a vessel of your choice
  • Best mini garden on a try – flowers and leaves from the family garden arranged in a flat tray
  • Craziest grass egg head –  grass , cress etc grown in an decorated eggshell which can be cut or tied in any manner that you fancy

Kids Colouring Competition – The picture to be coloured is available here, in the Ullapool News and will also be available on the day at the Fete

Table Football Competition –  teams of 2 competitors can compete against 3 other teams in a knockout competition during the afternoon for the title of champion.